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/ Hottest 6 / Hottest 6 (1996)(PDSoft)[!].iso / pdsoft / demo_library / 4428.lha / fonts / MM3 / 8 / MM3-8.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1994-11-05  |  8KB
Labels: bulletin board | sky
OCR: obcde+ ohi ikIrnopqT ABCDEF GHIJKLMNODORSTUVWXYZ 0123456789+0 x+*#i ,<.[K3. +";/? The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox .jump= ovcr the fzoi dog. The quick br oun FOx 0 th lozy dog. 36 The CT th 10Fy dog F10 bT oW ikimnopgr qvick jurps oYer f036 ivmps